

"Moxon's Master" by Ambrose Bierce. Question and Answer Analysis.

Question no 1.
Answer: Moxon's definition of a machine is taken form a popular dictionary. According to this definition a machine is "Any instrument or organization by which power is applied and made effective, or a desired effect is produced". Moxon extended this definition to man too. he also says that by virtue of the fact that machine is created by man, it absorbs something of man's intelligence and purpose. Thus making it sentient, living, feeling, conscious being.
I agree with the definition from the dictionary. I believe that machine in terms of being an automaton is a device operable by man. However I do not believe with Moxon's extension of the definition to automatons as being alive, feeling, conscious beings.

Question no. 2.
Answer: Moxon is developing a sentient conscious machine, one that can think and possesses intelligence.
Moxon believes that no matter is inert or dead. It is ll instinct with force; actual and potential. He believes that all matter is sensitive to the same forces in environment as man himself. When matter comes into contact with man: when he is fashioning it into an instrument of his will, it absorbs something of his intelligence and purpose. This absorption is greater and depends upon how complex the resulting machine is. Based on this theory, Moxon is developing a machine which he believes will be capable of thinking, acting and possessing consciousness- a robot or automaton which will be able to perform actions independent of it's creator.

Question no. 3.
Answer: Plants have a mechanism for performing different activities. They show movement under the influence of light. Some plants are sensitive to touch. Some can trap insects to meet their nutritional needs. However this does not mean that plants can think. plants do not have a nervous system. If they did their faculties would be comparable to either animals or humans. They would then have been able to perform actions like higher animals. Thus, there is no space on an argument on the question whether the plants can or cannot think.


How to attempt a paper.

Physics second year paper short question answer.
Physics paper second year.
No matter how well you study, it is very important how you attempt a paper. There are people who learn every thing by heart. Every single bit of detail is ingrained in their minds yet they score less than some mediocre students. The reason? Those of you who have already given an exam with the Peshawar Board or even any other Board of Khyber Province, you would know that the performance is solely judged on the way you attempt your paper, how well your handwriting is and how neat your over all paper looks. Some may say that it is a sub standard method of education, but guess what no one is bothered with your opinion. Your opinion apart, you are attempting the Exams from this center so you need to understand what you are facing before you enter the Examination hall.

*You can use either a black or a blue marker for headings or even a black pointer would do. Make the headings prominent and also the sub headings and definitions.
physics first year paper.
*Never use an ink pen while doing a paper. I know you can use an ink remover but this is still a great risk. The ink could be washed away and there would be no evidence left of your work. Also the ink color of a dollar pointer pen is much batter than an ordinary ink pen. This may sound impossible to some raising questions like: But what if I make a mistake and have to write something down?
Well the answer is this that you don't make a mistake in the first place. If you try practicing this in your home exams it will not be a problem in the finals. However if you do make a mistake with a pointer you can always cut it with a pencil, not even with a pen cause it would make it more prominent.
Physics first year paper.
*Make drawings and diagrams with all short and long questions of Chemistry, Physics, Biology.
*Use a pencil and a ruler a lot. Make the margins with a pencil. I have seen people use pens for that but that looks so out of place. NEVER EVER USE A PEN OR MARKER FOR DRAWING MARGINS.
*To make the formulas or reactions prominent in Physics and Chemistry use a black pen, a different color than the normal blue text.
* Always label the diagrams. There is nothing more offensive than unmarked, unlabeled diagrams. Don't even bother drawing a diagram if you don't have enough time to label it. It looks like some idiot stupid trying to impress the examiner with out even knowing enough about the question.
*Always choose the simplest questions first, the one's you know by heart cause you are bound to write those neatly and the beginning of a paper MUST be very VERY neat.

Exam Advice.

Isolated system exam advice.
  1. Revise the entire syllabus. Don't focus you attention on your favorite subjects or important topics only.
  2. Practice and go through as many past papers as you can.
  3. Do extensive study and practice. Remember nothing can be achieved without commitment and hard work.
  4. You need an excellent time management strategy.
  5. Remember no one is going to care whether you complete your lesson or not. You have to put checks and boundaries on yourself. If you are going to start studying seriously, you need to gather up every ounce of will power and not be tempted or lured by any sorts of temptations around, especially during the study hours.
  6. Try to read quickly, actively and avoid missing a single detail.
  7. Revision of everything which you have learned is must so that it stays put in your mind.
  8. Analyze yourself and answer these questions:
  •  Do you learn better in the early morning? 
  • Do you need to hear something to remember it?
  • Do you need to write something to remember it?
  • Do you feel better to keep a drink in company?
  • Are you good at combined study?
  • Do you learn things in quiet and cozy places?
Happy Studying !!!


Important Applications of Batteries and Fuel Cells.

Application of batteries and fuel cells.
High specific power is required for the large mechanical load. Low operating temperatures can arise. safety and environmental concerns are also an issue.

  • Pb/Acid Cell:

It is certainly and exclusively used in theses applications:
They used batteries to replace the combustion engines. The current technology: Ni/base cells or Pb/acid cells will not suffice  to provide a car with the same operating parameters as the combustion engine.
They are used for portable high power applications.
*portable computers: a rpidly growing market, currently using:
Ni/Cd cells.
NiMH cell.
Lithium ion cell.
*Power tools.
*Medical devices.

  • Primary Cells:

They are used in:
*calculators etc.
In these devices low power densities are often acceptable but low self discharge rates and high energy densities are desirable to provide long service life.
Lithium batteries are more often used.
*power for missile guidance.
*communication devices.
*drive or activation.
*mercury battery.
*silver oxide battery.
*zinc/air battery.
High volumetric energy density allow for smaller batteries.

  • Fuel Cells:

They are used in:
*vending machines.
*vacuum cleaners.
*high way road signs.
*cellular phones.
*laptop computers.
*portable electronics.
*credit card centers.
*police stations.
*waste water treatment plants.
*land fills.
They convert methane gas to produce electricity.
*video recorders.
*portable power tools.
*smoke detectors.
*low power remote devices.
*burglar alarms.
*hotel locks.
*meter readers.


Ionic Compound, Covalent Compound and Coordinate Covalent Compounds.

Ionic Compound, Covalent compound and coordinate covalent bond.

Understanding The Quantum Numbers.

Principle quantum numbers, Azimuthal quantum number,
 magnetic quantum number and  spin quantum number.

Nomenclature and structures of Aromatic Compounds.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: Bi phenyl, benzyl alcohol, cumene, styrene, benzyl, phenyl,benzene sulfonic acid, acetophenone, anisole and benzaldehyde.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: Benzene, toluene, phenol, aniline and benzoic acid.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: chloro methyl benzene, trichloro methyl benzene or benzo trichloride, benzoyl, benzyl and benzal group.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds:  Benzo group, phenyl, di phenyl metahne, naphthaalene, anthracene and phenanthrene.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: m-bromo toluene or 3-bromo toluene, p-chloro phenol or 4-chloro phenol, salicylic acid, anthranilic acid, salicylic aldehyde, p-ethyl nitro benzene. 

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: 1,2,3-trichloro benzene, 2,4,6 tri nitro toluene, 2-bromo, 4-nitro toluene, 2-bromo,1,4 dichloro 3-fluoro benzene, propyle benzene, 2 phenyl butene, 2 methyl 3-phenyl butene, dichloromethyl benzene or benzal chloride and phenyl chloride.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds:  bromo benzene, chloro benzene, nitro benzene, ethyl benzene, o-dibromo benzene, 0-chloro benzene, 0-xylene, catechol, m-dibromo benzene, m-methyl benzoic zcid, m-xylene, resorcinaol, p-dibromo benzene, p-xylene, hydoquinone and p-methoxy aniline.
Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: o- dinitro benzene, m-dichloro benzene, p-dichloro bennzene, 3-nitro toluene or m-nitro toluene and m-bromonitro benzene or 3-bromo nitro benzene.

Structures and nomenclature of Aromatic componds: o-bromo benzoic acid or 2-bromo benzoic acid, 1,3 benzene di-sulfonic acid, 1 ethyl,3-propyl benzene, 3-chloro benzoic acid, 1-chloro,2-bromo benzene and 2-chloro toluene or 0-chloror toluene.

Star Fish ... An Echinoderm.

Structure of Star echinoderm.

Bilateral and Radial Symmetry Diagram.

Bilateral symmetry (structure of Planaria)

Radial symmetry (structure of sea urchin)

Proterozoic era to Cenozoic era.

Time line from the first living organism through the age of fungi, the age of trilobites, the age of reptiles, the coal forming age to the present age. From Proterozoic era to the Cenzoic era passing through the proterozoic and mesozoic era.

Chlorophyll a Structure... Head and Phytol (Tail)

Structure of chlorophyll a...head and phytol (tail)

Plant Families --- Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae.

Plant family Fabaceae: Floral formula, inflorescence, sepals, petals, stamen, carpel, ovary, fruit, leaf, stem, root, distribution and habit.

Plant family caeslapiniaceae: Floral formula, inflorescence, sepals, petals, stamen, carpel, ovary, fruit, leaf, stem, root, distribution and habit.

Plant family Memosacea: Floral formula, inflorescence, sepals, petals, stamen, carpel, ovary, fruit, leaf, stem, root, distribution and habit.

Plant Families ...Rosacceae, Solanaceae and Poaceae.

Plant Families ... Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Poaceae.

Asoolai Arbaa' ...

The four authors of Asoolai Arbaa'

Islamic Ayat on "ilm" or knowledge.

Quranic Ayat and Hadees on knowledge.
Quranic Ayat and Hadees on knowledge.

Quranic Ayat and Hadees on knowledge.

Alternation of Generation: Metagenesis.

Alternation of generation...Metagenesis.
"The alternation of generation that reproduces asexually (by budding or fission) with a generation that reproduces sexually (by eggs and sperms) is called alternation of generation"
Coelentrates like Obelia.

  1. Obelia colony does not bear gonads and is therefore sexless representing asexual reproduction.
  2. It develops by budding and is diploid.
  3. It contains three types of zooids: polyps and medusae.
  4. Polyps reproduce asexually by budding to give medusae.
  5. The medusae are set free by the parent colony and swim in water. It is free living.
  6. The medusae give rise to egg and sperms - acting as reproductive organs.
  7. On fertilization the oosperms again develop into an asexual obelia colony.
Free type swimming medusoid sexual alternate with sessile polypoid asexual.

Biology Terminology.

  • vertebral column = back bone = spine
  • wood = secondary xylem
  • adrenal gland = supra renal gland
  • adrenaline = epinephrine
  • afferent nerve = sensory nerve
  • air bladder = swim bladder
  • alimentary canal = gut = digestive tract
  • allelomorphic = pair of alleles
  • amylase =diastase
  • atrium = auricle
  • atrophy = degeneration
  • bisexual = hermaphrodite = monoecious
  • breathing = external respiration
  • caudal = tail
  • cell division = cytokinesis
  • cellular respiration = internal respiration
  • chemo synthetic = chemo autotrophic
  • chrysalis = pupa
  • cleavage = division
  • cork = phellogen
  • endocrine gland = ductless gland
  • circulatory system = vascular system
  • erythrocyte = red blood corpuscle = RBC
  • fructose = laevulose
  • gamete = germ cell = sex cell
  • haploid = monoploid
  • glucose = dextrose
  • glycogen = animal starch
  • golgi body = golgi apparatus = dictyosome
  • unicellular = acellular
  • gonad = sex organ
  • holophytic = photosynthetic
  • imago = adult
  • inner ear = membranous labyrinth
  • integument = skin
  • intestinal juice = succus entericus
  • invertase = sucrase
  • involuntary muscle = smooth muscle = unstriated muscle = unstripped muscle
  • kreb's cycle = citric acid cycle
  • lamella = layer
  • leucocyte = white blood corpuscle = WBC
  • mastication = chewing
  • meiosis = reduction division
  • metameric segmentation = metamerism
  • nephron = uniferous tubule = kidney tubule
  • ovum = egg cell
  • uterus = womb
  • pith = medulla
  • plasma lemma = plasma membrane = cell membrane
  • ptyalin = salivary amylase
  • semi permeable = selectively permeable = deferentially permeable
  • smell = olfaction
  • symbiotc = mutualism
  • taste = gustation
  • tonoplast = vacuole membrane 
  • unisexual = dioecious
  • vegetative reproduction = propagation
  • voluntary muscle = skeletal muscle = striated muscle - striped muscle
  • sarcodina = rhizopoda
  • cilliata = cilliophora

"The Stuffed Trout" by Jerome K. Jerome.

"The Stuffed Trout" by Jerome K. Jerome.
There are many people in this story who claim that they caught the trout. Here is a list of those people along with the year of capture, the place of capture, the instrument or bait used, the weight of trout and the time of day the trout was captured. This list is useful for objectives...

Life Cycle of Angiosperms.

Life cycle of Angiosperms: Alternation of Generation.

Life cycle of Angiosperms: alternation of generation.


Error, uncertainty, precision and accuracy.

Question no. 6
Define the terms error, uncertainty, precision and accuracy.

"The difference between the measured value and the actual value of a measured physical quantity is called error."
Error can not be less than the least count of the measuring instrument.
There are three types of errors in the measurement of physical quantities: personal, systematic and random.
There are certain kinds of errors that can not be removed.

"The error arising due to the natural imperfections of the experimenter, the limitations of the apparatus and changes in the environment during the experiment is often called uncertainty."
It is described as the error in the measurement.
There is always an uncertainty in the measurement.
It is used to express the uncertainty.

"The term precision stands for magnitude of the error in the measurement."
Precision of measurement is determined by the instrument being used.
Precise measurement is the one which has less absolute uncertainty.
The smaller the physical quantity, the more precise the instrument should be.

"Accuracy stands for the relative error. It is defined as the error divided by the quantity measured."
It depends on the fractional and percentage uncertainty in that measurement.
Accurate measurement has less fractional or percentage uncertainty.


Topics missing from "Pakistan Studies Intermediate" by National Book Foundation."

  1. Genesis of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *What is ideology? *Importance of ideology. *Beginning of Pakistan Ideology. *Advent of Islam in the Subcontinent *Advent of British in the Subcontinent *Results of War of Independence 1857.
  2. Initial problems of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *Advice to the students for achieving education.
  3. Geography of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *Pakistan: Door to Central Asia *Northern Plains *Lower Indus valley plus Thar desert *Climatic Effects on Human Life *Causes of Economic Imbalance *Northern areas *Gilgit valley * Chitral Valley *Kaghan Valley *swat Valley *Galiat *Karakoram Highway *Tourism Development *Conventional signs *Scale *Regional map *Topographical map * Cadastral map * Statement of scale * Representation fraction *Graphic scale
  4. Steps towards Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *Rights and duties of the Pakistani citizens in the constitution *Basic citizen rights in 1973 constitution * Duties of citizens *Honesty to the nation * Respect of legislature * Payment of Taxes * proper use of vote *Helping of society * Uphold the national interest *Educational achievement * Hard work *Human rights.
  5. Administrative structure of Pakistan and steps towards good governance. *The position and power of President in the Federation *Powers of President * Administrative powers *Formation of cabinet *Special powers * appointments *power of legislation * judicial powers *The position and power of prime minister in the Federation *head of cabinet *head of assembly *Link between president and assembly *Judiciary * supreme court *high court *ombudsman *supreme judicial *the provincial cabinet * the provincial assembly *appointment of ministers * administrative powers *law forming powers * monetary powers *caretaker cabinet *provincial governor * administration * judicial powers *duties during emergency situations *stage wise elections *union council *tehsil council *district council *district administration *duties (6 points) *process of election *local government ordinance 2005 *women independence view *compulsory education *good behavior with slaves *democracy *awami government *mushawarat *welfare state *secure basic rights * free judiciary *qazi *ameer-ul-momineen *welfare work * Islamic calendar *appointment and duties of ameers *division of assets *population census * bait-ul-maal *major position of public *rights and duties *welfare of public *actions of powerful nations *lack of standard planning *remedies *proper division of resources (there are also many sub headings )
  6. Culture of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *impotance of culture *types of culture *material culture * non-material culture *professor Tonybee, culture and civilization *impacts on gandhara civilization *pathan culture *punjabi culture *sindhi culture *balochi culture *paintings *wood carvings *handicrafts *carpet making * embroidery *status of man and woman * society *dress * food * architecture * sports and fairs * marriage ceremonies *birth and death traditions
  7. Languages of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *how languages are evolved? *how regional languages are evolved? *evolution of writing
  8. National Integration and prosperity. *importance of Islamic state * international state * sovereignty of Allah *exemplary government *economic and social safe guard *protection of minorities /education and health *Educational measures (10 points) *our role in achieving national integration (8 points)
  9. Economic planning and Development in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *economic planning 8importance of planning (6 points) *agricultural development (10 points) *steps taken to increase industrial revolution in Pakistan (13 points) *Forests *mineral resources *health: steps taken by government
  10. Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. *foreign policy (9 points) *economic development *ideological safeguard *source of making the foreign policy of Pakistan (5 points ) *border agreement *economic relations * support to Pakistan during wars * exchange of visits * air transport agreement 
  11. Problems of Pakistan: The entire Chapter

Pakistan Studies in English For Second Year Students.

Pakistan Studies In English. Books for second year students.
As the students of second year start with the year, those of them having Pakistan Studies in English are pretty worried. Thanks to Peshawar Board we don't have an official textbook. There are many guides of course to help through the way. Here are some which I recommend to you...

  • N.W.F.P Text Book Board Book: The Urdu official book is very important for objectives. No matter how much you learn the translation of it, there are always things missing. So remember to keep in touch with the Urdu book for objectives. Read every chapter, highlight things for objectives, underline the names, facts and figures and synchronize them with your guides. Most important chapters for this are Chapter 1, 3, 5 and 11. Others are also important, so don't skip any of them. I will not tell you the easy way out but the one which will ensure good scores.
  • Hi Vision Pak Study: by Amara Haroon and Miss Syeda. This book has loads of spelling mistakes and all but it is the translation of the Urdu textbook so I will highly recommend this. There were girls in our year who sat down to translate the Urdu book themselves but never finished. This book is also good for headings and the figures are mostly accurate.
  • Pakistan Studies Intermediate: by Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan. National Book Foundation Islamabad. I found this book very good and would again recommend it. No one I knew used this book much but I did. The language in this book is simple and clear. There are many topics missing and for those you will have to read other books but the topics it does contain are good, brief and clean.
(I will list the topics which are missing in this book later for your convenience)
  • Introduction to Pakistan Studies: by M. Ikram Rabbani. This book is used by many and is very extensive with details and all. I would recommend this book for important long questions only. The details in it otherwise would dazzle you to oblivion is all I can say.
  • Pak Studies Class 10: You can use this book too for common topics because you have already learned it once and it is way easier and less time consuming.
  • Star Social Studies Book 8: This book has awesome History section especially the Chapters:The Pakistan Movement : The three Era's. It is very good for long questions as well as short notes.
  • Quotes From the Quaid: By Oxford. The quotes from Mohammad Ali Jinnah are an essential part of Pakistan Studies and you can get all sorts of quotes from Jinnah in English from this tiny but helpful book.


System of units.

Chapter #1:
Physics and Measurement:
Short Answer Questions.

1. What is a system of units? List the basic Si units.

"A complete set of units both basic and derived for all kind of physical quantities is called a system of units."
In 1960 an international committee agreed on a set of definitions and standards to describe the physical quantities. The system that is established is called the system international. Befor 1960 many system of units were in practice such as:

  1. British FPS system.
  2. MKS system.
  3. CGS system.
However with expansion of trade and the utilization of science and technology international system of units was adopted.
Due to the simplicity and convenience with which the units in this system are amendable to arithmetic manipulation, it is in universal use by the worlds scientific community and by most nations. The system of unit is made of three kinds of units:
  • Base units.
  • Derived units.
  • Supplementary units.
there are seven base units for various physical quantities namely length mass time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity and amount of substance (with special reference to the number of particles)
The names of the base units along with their symbols for the physical quantities are listed:
(Make table)



Conversion of heat to other forms of energy is called thermodynamics.

  • Open system: Mass and energy can be transferred.
  • Close system: Mass cannot be transferred but energy can.
  • Isolated system: Mass and energy cannot be transferred.
  • Isothermal Boundry: temperature transfer not possible. Heat can transfer.
  • Adiabatic Boundry: Heat transfer not possible.
State Functions/ Variables:
Pressure, Volume, temperature, internal energy, entropy.


Physical Features of Pakistan.

Physical Features of Pakistan map.

Physical features of pakistan map: Potohar plateau and the Salt range.

Physical features of Pakistan: balochistan Plateau and the coastal area.

Western Mountains of Pakistan.

Western Mountains of Pakistan: Kirthar Hills, Koh-i-Sulaiman, Mountains of Waziristan, White Hills and hills of Dir, Swat and chitral.

Indus Basin in Pakistan.

Indus Valley Basin map.

Indus Valley Basin map.

Climatic Zones of Pakistan Map.

Climatic Zones of Pakistan map.

Climatic Zones of Pakistan map: North and north west mountains, upper indus plain, Lower indus plain and coastal area, Balochistan plateau and the thar desert.

Climatic Changes in Pakistan.

Climatic Changes Map.

Climatic Changes in Pakistan.

Climatic Changes in Pakistan: floods, wind storm, sea storms and drought.

Airways in Pakistan.

Airways in Pakistan: International airports, gulf and national airports.

Airways in Pakistan: International airports, gulf and national airports. (Airports at Chitral, Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Sukkur, Karachi, D.G.Khan and Mohenjodaro)

Roads in Pakistan: Long distance roads and motor ways.

Roads in Pakistan map: long distance roads and motor ways ( From Peshawar to Islamabad, Islamabad to Lahore, and karachi to Hyderabad.)

Roads in Pakistan: long distance roads and motor ways ( From Peshawar to Islamabad, Islamabad to Lahore, and karachi to Hyderabad.) Total Road: 249,950 km, 228,206 km.