

Chemistry practical readings class 9th.

Experiment Readings: "Determine the melting point of the given compound: Naphthalene."

Chemistry Practical Readings: "determine the boiling point of organic liquids: acetone and benzene"

Experiment Readings: "Preperation of 250 cm3 and 500cm3 solutions of oxalic acid."

Chemistry Practical Readings: " standardize the given solution of sodium hydroxide by using oxalic acid solution"

Chemistry Practical Readings: "Standardize the given solution of hydrochloric acid by using sodium hydroxide solution."


Study of the structure of Nephron.

Study of the structure of nephron: Bowmans capsule, glomerulus, convuluted tubules, capillaries, convuluted tubules, to renal vein, from renal artery.

Study of continuous variations in the height in man and continuous and discontinuous variations in tongue rolling in man and recording the results in histograms.

Biology Practical Readings, second year: Frequency table of human height.

Biology Practical Readings, second year:Histogram of human height.

Biology Practical Readings, second year:Histogram of tongue rolling in man.

Study of pond ecosystem.

Study of pond ecosystem: littoral zone, limnetic zone and profundal zone.


Study of developement of chick embryo: 48 and 72 hour embryo after incubation.

The 48 hour chick embryo: mesencephalon, rhombenecephalon, fifth cranial nerve, notochord, anterior cardial vein, roots of 7th and 8th cranical nerves, let anterior vitelline membrane,truncus arteriosus, neural tube, omphalomesenteric artery, aorta, diencephalon, infundibulum, preoral gut, rathkes pouch, oral plate, pharynx, right anterior vitelline memebrane, ventricle, right omphalomesentric vein, posterior cardinal vein, mesonephric duct.

The 72 hour chick embryo: tail. posterior appendage bud, anterior appendage bud, atrium, anterior cardinal vien, truncus arteriosus, aortic arch IV, visceral cleft II, ganglion IX, auditory vesicle, hyoid arch, hyomandibular cleft, mandibular arch, metencephalon, ganglion V, lens of eye, sensory layer, pigmented layer, epiphysis, diencephalon, olfactory pit, telencephalon, ventricle, vitelline vein, vitelline artery.

Transverse sections of pancrease and thyroid gland under low and high power microscopes.

Transverse section of pancrease under low power of microscope: pancreatic ductile, pancreatic acini, blodd vessels, islets of langerhans, connective tissue stroms.

transverse section of pancreas under high power of microscope: pancreatic acini, lumen of acini, islets of langerhans, alpha cells, pancreatic ductile, beta cells, undifferentiated cells, blood vessels.

transverse section of thyroid gland under high power of microscope: inter folucular connective tissue cell, cuboidal cells of epithelium, colloid, nerve fibers and blood vessels.

Study of skeltal, smooth and cardiac musles from prepared slides.

Skeletal muscle of frog: unit of contraction, muscle fiber, nucleus. Cardiac muscles of heart: muscle fiber, nucleus, junction between two cells. Smooth muscles: muscle fiber and nucleus.

Study of "reproductive system of female frog"

Female reproductive system of frog: oviduct funnel, oviduct, fat body, ovary, kidney, oviduct, rectum, cloaca, ureter and urinary bladder.

Study of the pectoral girdle and iliac crest of frog.

pectoral (shoulder) girdle of frog: episternum, omosternum, suprascapula, sternum, acromian process, clavicle, scapula, glenoid cavity, riht coracoid, left coracoid, metasternum, xiphisternum.

pelvic (hip) girdle of frog: iliac crest, pubis, ilium, acaetabulum and ischium.

Study of the skull of frog.

Dorsal View of the skull of frog: premaxilla,, maxilla, nasal, sphenethmoid, fronto-parietal, squamosal, pterygoid, quadrato-jugal, prootic, exoccipital, foraman magnum, quadrate cartilage.

skull of frog, ventral view: premaxilla, vomer, maxilla, palatine, parasphenoid, fronto-parietal, ptyerigoid, quadrato-jugal, columella auris, exoccipital and quadrate cartilage.

Study of the structure of human ear.

Human ear showing pinna, semi circular canals, ear drum, auditory canal and choclea.

Demonstration of various parts of human skeleton.

Human skeleton showing metacarpals, skull, pectoral girdle, humerus, ribs, radius, ulna, vertebral column, carpels, pelvic girdle, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsal, metatarsals, phallenges.

Microscopic examination of transverse sections of young dicotyledonous stem and woody stem.

Young dicotyledonous stem showing the vascular bundles, pith, xylem, cambium,phloem,fibers, cortex and epidermis.

woody stem showing bark, sap wood, and heart wood.

Examination of the model of the heart of man.

labelled heart of man: aorta, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery,superior vena cava, left atrium, pulmonary valve, right atrium, left ventricle, arterio-ventricular valve.

Eosine solution experiment showing ascent of sap in plants.

Demonstration of the ascent of sap in plants by uptake of eosine solution in a herbaceous plant.