

Quotes for ninth and tenth English.


  • “Nation gives only good for nothing people if the country is not looked after well but if it has it goes successful people” (A Fragment)
  • “Some people are born great, some people achieve greatness and some people have greatness thrust upon them.”


“ My strength is as the strength of ten
Because my heart is pure”

“His life was gentle, and the elements
So mixed in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, ‘This was a man!’ ”
“Better wear out than rust out.”

“It is vain to shut the stable door after the horse is stolen.”

“Experience shows us an enormous difference between piety and goodness.”

“Life sweet as perfume and pure as prayer.”

“There is a soul of goodness in things evil”

“He prayeth best who knowth best
Both man and bind and beast.”Coleridge.

“It is our sacred duty to look after the poor and help them. We must secure for them better living condition.” The Voice of God.

“Thou wert the pupil of my eye.
Bereft the sight I am now.
After thee I little care who dies
I was fearful only of losing thee” The Holy Prophet (SAW)

“His life reveals the loftiness of his character and shows his noble stature both as a man and a prophet (PBUH). His character was wholly in keeping with the teachings of the Quran.” The Holy Prophet (SAW)

“There has lived no human being in the entire history of man who stood in such a blaze of glory and undergone such scrutiny for every action and utterance.” The Holy Prophet (SAW)

“They do not believe to the ruling class, they belong to the servants.”Hazrat Umar (RA)

Despair not of the mercy of Allah, who forgiveth all sins. Lo! He is the forgiving, The Merciful” Quran, Hazrat Umar (RA)

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We should try to raise the status of our women.” The Happiness and Prosperity of the Home.

“ How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides
Your looped and windowed raggedness defend you?” The Happiness and Prosperity of the Home.

“Life is action, not contemplation” Goethe, A Nation’s Strength

“If we are to make any real, speedy and substantial progress then we have to build our character which means highest sense of honour, selfless service to the nation and sense of responsibility in a manner which will do honor to our nation.” A Nation’s Strength

“And yet in spite of persistent emphasize on the life of action by great man both individuals and nations sometimes forget the ideal of constant action.” A Nation’s Strength

“Poets and philosophers have often dreamt of a happy land where there would be everlasting peace and plenty” Little Things

“When adam delved, and Eve span,
Who was then the gentleman?” Sportsmanship

“Luck says an American writer, is ever waiting for something to turn up: Labour with keen eye and strong will always turns up something” The story of the man who went to find his luck

When Sir Ronald Ross was carrying on investigations at Bangalore to determine the cause of malaria, he wrote:
“In this, O Nature; yield, I pray, to me
I pace and pace and think and think and take
The fevered hands and note down all I see
That some distant light may haply break.
The painful faces ask, can we not cure?
We answer, no, not yet, we seek the laws
O god, reveal through all this thing obscure
The unseen, small but million murdering cause.”

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