

"The Beggar" by Chekov. An analysis.

What do you think is the best way to motivate people?

People can be motivated for a better change in life by many ways but the most encouraging way is that of kindness and empathy. People can be inspired by kindness or coerced by cruelty. We can force the wretched people by being harsh and blunt.
Just as Skvortsov feeled pity for Lushkov and forced him to work against his will. Although it was effective to some extent but not everlasting. The other was is that of kindly motivating others by helping them in dealing with their inner issues. This method encourages people more and helps them in believing in themselves.
To achieve honesty and meaning in life, to work hard and gain what ought to be theirs, can only be achieved by helping people silently. Olga proved the effectiveness of this problem by changing the life of Lushkov with silent help.
It is indeed our responsibility to help the helpless by not feeding their empty bellies but by helping them in achieving a position where they themselves shelter their heads from the shower of trouble and to achieve moral goodness.


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