

Rhizopus: black bread mold.

Rhizopus: black bread mold: zygote, sporangium, sporangiophore, stolon and rhizoids.

Study of mushroom.

study of mushroom: showing pileus, gills, annulus and stipe.

Study of spirogyra.

Spirogyra diagram with label-lings: nucleus, chloroplast, cell wall and cell membrane.

Study of amoeba.

Amoeba showing the ectoplasm, the endoplasm, nucleus, food vacuole, contractile vacuole and psedopodium.

Phylum Coelentrata: jelly fish.

Phylum Coelentrata: Jelly Fish showing the tentacles, and oral arm.

Life history of mosquito: pupa of mosquito.

pupa of mosquito: showing anterior and posterior parts.

Phylum echinodermata: star fish.

Phylum Echinodermata: Star Fish showing arm, disc mouth and tube feet.

Phylum Echinodermata: sea urchin

Phylum Echinodermata: Sea Urchin with spines and mouth.

Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Arthropoda.

Phylum Mollusca: fresh water mussel. Phylum Arthropoda: honey bee and butter fly.

phylum arthropoda: Crab and spider.

Phylum Chordata: class pisces: labeo rohita (rahu)

Phylum Chordata: class pisces: labeo rohita (rahu) showing the pelvic fin, the medial ventral fin, the pectoral fin, the caudal fin, the mouth and the medial dorsal fin.

Connective tissue and Skeletal Tissues.

connective tissue, and three types of the muscular tissues: skeletal muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles with gap junctions.

External morphology of a leaf from mustard plant.

petiole, lamina and mid rib of a leaf from the mustard plant.

Observation of heart of frog.

dorsal and ventral view of the heart of frog showing: ventricle, left and right auricles, truncus arteriosus and sinus venosus.

Digestive, male and female reproductive systems of frog.

Digestive system of frog showing anus, cloaca, urinary bladder, large intestine, small intestine, spleen, mesentry, pancrease, stomach, gall bladder, liver and esophagus.

Reproductive system of female frog showing urinary bladder, uterus, ureter, oviduct, kidney, ovary, fat bodies and funnel of oviduct.

reproductive system of male frog showing: urinary bladder, cloaca, urino genital duct, kidney, testis and fat bodies.

Microscopic examination of transverse section of the small intestine to show the .

Diagram showing: structure of villi with the epithelium, blood capillaries, lacteal and villus.

Action of the Diaphragm and inter-costal muscles and demonstration of air sacs in mammals.

Demonstration of air sacs in mammals, showing the blood vessels, bronchiole and alveolus.

Inspiration, expiration. View of the chest cavity and ribs.


Physics practical readings: class/ grade 9.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Measure the length and diameter of the solid cylinder with the help of a vernier calliper.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Measure the thickness of a metal strip or a wire  by using a screw gauge.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Study the motion of a ball rolling down along an angle  iron by drawing a  graph between "s" and "t2"

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Study the motion of a ball rolling down along an angle  iron by drawing a  graph between "s" and "t2"

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the value of "g" gravitational constant by free fall method.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the coefficient of sliding friction using a horizontal plane.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the resultant of two vectors graphically by gravesands apparatus.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the resultant of two vectors graphically by gravesands apparatus.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: verify the principle of moments by a meter rod balanced on a wedge.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: study the relationship between a load and extension of a helical spring by drawing a graph.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: study the relationship between a load and extension of a helical spring by drawing a graph.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the density of a body heavier than water by archemedes principle.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the density of a body heavier than water by archemedes principle.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the specific heat of a solid.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the specific heat of a solid.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: draw a graph between temperature and time when ice is converted to water and  then to steam by slow heating.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: draw a graph between temperature and time when ice is converted to water and  then to steam by slow heating.


Chemistry practical readings for first year students.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of heat of solution.
Chemistry practical readings and chromatograph: separate a mixture of various inks by paper chromatography.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of heat of solution.

Chemistry practical graph readings: determination of heat of solution.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution by standard solution of oxalic acid.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of H2SO4 solution by standard solution of NaOH.

Chemistry practical readings: Determine the amount of acetic acid in the given vinegar.

Chemistry practical readings: Determine the amount of Na2CO3 in a mixture solution.

Chemistry practical readings: Determine the amount of Na2CO3 in a mixture solution.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of HCl solution using a standard solution of Na2CO3.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of HCl solution using a standard solution of Na2CO3.

Chemistry practical readings: The given solution contains 7.0 grams of washing soda per liter. Calculate percentage purity.

Chemistry practical readings: The given solution contains 7.0 grams of washing soda per liter. Calculate percentage purity.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of NaHCO3 in a  mixture of solution.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of NaHCO3 in a  mixture of solution.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of NaHCO3 in the baking soda.

Chemistry practical readings: determination of NaHCO3 in the baking soda.

Chemistry practical readings: Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in the given salt of Mohr's salt.

Chemistry practical readings: Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in the given salt of Mohr's salt.
Chemistry practical readings: Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in the given sample of  FeSO4.n H2O.

Chemistry practical readings: Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in the given sample of  FeSO4.n H2O.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of potassium permanganate solution by the standard oxalic solution.

Chemistry practical readings: Standardization of potassium permanganate solution by the standard oxalic solution.
Chemistry practical readings: Titration of iodine solution against Na2S2O3 solution using starch solution as indicators.
Chemistry practical readings: Titration of iodine solution against Na2S2O3 solution using starch solution as indicators.
Chemistry practical readings: Find the strength of oxalic acid solution, using 0.02 molar KMnO4 solution.
Chemistry practical readings: Find the strength of oxalic acid solution, using 0.02 molar KMnO4 solution.
Chemistry practical readings: Determine the number of molecules of water of crystallization of oxalic acid by permanganate titration, 6.3 grams of oxalic acid have been dissolved per liter.
Chemistry practical readings: Determine the number of molecules of water of crystallization of oxalic acid by permanganate titration, 6.3 grams of oxalic acid have been dissolved per liter.