

Physics practical readings: class/ grade 9.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Measure the length and diameter of the solid cylinder with the help of a vernier calliper.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Measure the thickness of a metal strip or a wire  by using a screw gauge.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Study the motion of a ball rolling down along an angle  iron by drawing a  graph between "s" and "t2"

Physics class 9 experiment reading: Study the motion of a ball rolling down along an angle  iron by drawing a  graph between "s" and "t2"

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the value of "g" gravitational constant by free fall method.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the coefficient of sliding friction using a horizontal plane.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the resultant of two vectors graphically by gravesands apparatus.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the resultant of two vectors graphically by gravesands apparatus.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: verify the principle of moments by a meter rod balanced on a wedge.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: determine the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: study the relationship between a load and extension of a helical spring by drawing a graph.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: study the relationship between a load and extension of a helical spring by drawing a graph.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the density of a body heavier than water by archemedes principle.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the density of a body heavier than water by archemedes principle.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the specific heat of a solid.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: find the specific heat of a solid.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: draw a graph between temperature and time when ice is converted to water and  then to steam by slow heating.

Physics class 9 experiment reading: draw a graph between temperature and time when ice is converted to water and  then to steam by slow heating.


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