
"Pythias" ... Character Sketches.

Pythias was a young man celebrated for his friendship to Damon. He was a Pythagorean living in Syrucase, on the island of Sicily, Italy. His name has come down to our times to mean true friendship.
Pythias was a man brave and bold enough to rebel against the king Dionysius the elder. He had firmness in right as God has given us to see the right. He was a noble man who was not afraid to sacrifice his life for his people. As J.K.Rowling says:
“It takes great deal of bravery to stand up to the evil”
He was a man whose honesty could not be tamed by the fear of a tyrant. He took the risk of criticizing the king because he was a firm believer of the fact that:
“There are things much worse than death”
By standing up to the evil he wanted to give hope to everyone.
On hearing about his condemnation, he showed no fear and stood before the throne straight and quiet.. He knew that the rule of law must be upheld and thus he did not resist the king’s soldiers. He was ready to embrace death but the only thing troubling him was the thought of his mother living alone.
Pythias did not like to leave his friend, Damon in his place for he might be delayed by any uncertain event. He did not wish to create trouble for anyone. His friendship and loyalty were put to test.  “There is no telling what a man will do when it’s a question of his own life against another’s”. But Pythias proved his loyalty to Damon. He was a man who had never broken his word and who could be trusted. He did not want his friend to play with danger. “Indeed, things have to get worse before they get better”. The encounter with thieves left Pythias weak and dizzy but he struggled back to honour the fidelity of his friendship. He did not trick his friend in any way.
Pythias in short was a man of courage, an insurgent and virtuous. An honest friend , a true son, a loyal subject and a believer of friendship, concord and amity. He was a master of his own will and a true patriot.

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