

  1.     Ruskin called books the “King’s treasures"
  2. “God made the country and man made the town.” Cowper
  3. “There is not to reason why, there is but to do and die” Alfred Lord Tennyson (“The Change of the Life Brigade” )
  4. “Trials are a veritable curse” Christ
  5. Lord Macaulay introduced the system of education (East India Company)
  6. Einstein failed Mathematics, Newton did MA Mathematics in third grade, Hafeez Jalandhry studied till class VII, Allama Iqbal got third division in MA Philosophy and Hitler did simple matric.
  7. “Woman is the root of the evils.” The Old Testament.
  8.   Surah Nisah is about the rights and duties of women.
  9. “Verily the paradise lies under the feet of the mother.”
  10. The tidings of paradise are for those who bring up two daughters.
  11. The hand that rocks the cradles rules the world.
  12. In Iran 40% women work.
  13. “It is essential for every Muslim man and woman to acquire knowledge.”
  14.  “Hope springs eternal in the human breast, man never is but always to be blest.” Pope
  15. Science is itself never good nor evil.
  16. 70% diseases are due to tension.
  17. Sound mind is a sound body.
  18. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
  19. History repeats itself.
  20. French Revolution 1789
  21. “History is the biography of great men”
  22. “History is a bundle of lies.”
  23.   “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”
  24. “In modern wars there are no winners.”
  25. All is fair in love and war.
  26. NIFA= Peshawar nuclear institute.
  27. 1938, Helm and Stressman (fission 1942 chain reaction)
  28. International Atomic Energy Commission.
  29. Sir Ganga Ram and Imran Khan’s hospitals.
  30. Money makes the mare go.
  31. “What is the use of the new born baby?” Professor Faraday on the nature of Chemistry.
  32. No knowledge without college.
  33.    “Home keeping youths ever have homely wits” Shakespeare.
  34.  Co-education started in Switzerland.
  35.  When you educate a man you educate an individual. When you educate a woman you educate a nation.
  36.  John Milton was blind so his daughter wrote for him “Paradise lost and Paradise regained.”

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